- Just like women perceive colors differently, they can lead differently, too. Feedback and active listening are key success factors and leave a “quarterback” mentality in the dust. Leading a team rather than being the lone star is highly effective.
- Women work differently than men. The female perspective is different. More cooperation and less competition is welcome in this strange economy.
- We may see a return to a committed work ethic because historically women would do tasks and take on projects that men would not touch. Generational attitudes affect this, too.
- The rigid vertical organizational “chart” will change as women gain in leadership positions. We will likely see more circular and matrix linked organizations working together. This thinking began in the late 1980’s under the “innovation umbrella” a la and quality circles. Women enjoy collaboration so we may see a surge in this activity.
- Recruiting attitudes and energy will change. Women now have a stronger voice and will ask for conditions that serve them beyond on-site nurseries.
- We are moving into an age of diplomacy like never before. Remember, it was attention and support to the League of Nations at a time the U.S. was turning toward isolationism. Her efforts helped move the League of Nations into the United Nations.
- As the world population is more than 50% female, we are finally employing the full force of half our resources into play. Imagine splitting yourself in half and attempting to be fully functional.
Please comment. -MC