- Someone must make the first move to reach out to another.
- Someone in a leadership position, must set the tone to begin the relationship.
- Individuals observe what behavior is rewarded in this environment.
- Listening is a key component to build trust.
- This skill assures the person they are “seen and heard.”
- It underscores the person matters and is worth the investment.
- The listener must perceive a benefit to connecting with the individual; somehow their life will be improved by aligning with this person, especially a leader.
- People will walk through fire for team leaders who demonstrate by example what is important about their team.
- This aspect builds confidence that individual accomplishments matter for the good of all.
Trust—This is the foundation block in Emotional Intelligence.
- It is a precious intangible to nurture. Tend it with care. Do not betray it because it is a steep climb to earn it back.
- Nothing substantial can be accomplished without it. It can be intimate or shared with strangers.
- All of the above plus there must be safety in the environment so people can reveal their authentic selves.
- Effective managers hear what is important from their teams; that’s because the teams trusts the manager to back up the team, stand with them, or offer a reasonable solution to a problem. The manager’s focus is on the team, not punishment. It’s about progress and how to make a situation upright.
- This relationship is about progress and encouragement, not winning. There is a “knowing” the trusted person will be present when needed.
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