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We’ve Sold the Soul of Marketing

Although this posting was during the campaign, I re-read it and found I could insert the word “competitor” instead of candidate. Cory Treffiletti was asking to look into the future.

Timely posting during the political campaigns. I’d like to add a third slant to your either/or. As a marketer I’m aware of the sectors, objectives and the “speak” that swirls around my profession. Here’s my rudimentary slant: Remove GREED from the picture. How novel is that!

I’m guessing greed motivates all the junk mail in my mail box, real and virtual. How about informing and providing information so people can know they need you.

What that does is remove the barriers and second guessing of getting into people’s heads and actually provides a pure channel to serve the consumers rather than outsmart them. Greed makes the actions self-perpetuating. Look at the spin-off business from this approach. It keeps expanding exponentially, like social media. What’s the reality of managing all these elements?
My head is spinning from it all.

I see current marketing practices as oversell and numbing, an avalanche of information and intrusive to boot. Currently, our biology hasn’t caught up with our technology™ so we’re overwhelmed and don’t know what to look at first. How do you break through that?

The marketing I supply is to find out what people need from me (my homework, research), deliver the message (variety of methods) of how they will benefit working with www.positivepotentials.com, and “show up” for them, not me.

As simplistic as it sounds, this approach eliminates the competing “noise” because people are delighted that someone wants to serve them rather than take their money.

My approach is to slow down, take note and deliver.
It works well for me, and I’ve been in business since 1982. I use this approach to build my coaching practice because of the multitude of coaches around. I guess marketers have to justify their own existence when only driven by revenues rather than value. I say to that, try running a business without marketing; no justification needed.

As a coach, it occurs to me that if the candidates adhered to such a simpler approach, not only would we know more about them, because they would discuss the opportunity of what they bring to the scene, they wouldn’t have to denigrate the opponent. If one is spending millions of dollars, why not promote your own views? I never quite understood why they miss the chance to promote their own ideas. The same applies to our current scream fest on healthcare reform. It needs a name makeover to start. Topic for another time.

In Response to: http://www.mediapost.com/blogs/spin/?p=1383
What Does The Future Look Like? Or, What I Read On My Summer Vacation
By Cory Treffiletti



As a credentialed business coach and analyst, one of my primary functions is to work with individuals and company managers to clarify where they are presently, where they would like to advance, and what tools they have and need to achieve their desired outcome.

I use a variety of tools to assess perceptions including Platinum Rule instruments, my experience and training in assessing behavior. My preferred tool is the EQ-i®, emotional intelligence inventory. I have specialized training on the EQ-i® and DISC Inventories and access to multiple other sources including a company culture index. I prefer the EQ-i® because it is the least judgmental instrument I have found. It focuses on strengths and areas of development related to the goals set by the individual. For example, people are more likely to apply the EQ-i®’s information rather than label themselves by the Myers-Briggs categories.

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