Virtual Mastermind Projects are designed with your teams in mind.
A major benefit for the organization is everyone is on an equal plane so no intimidation
or pulling rank is eliminated. This open environment invites the collaboration and creativity so many companies desire yet don’t have the courage to provide.
The format is ideal for combining satellite office staff, developing product development teams with other companies, whatever your special project requires.
Best results occur, depending on the complexity of the project, in a minimum schedule of weekly meetings over three months.
Positive Potentials delivers updates and reports directly to the assigning officer.
A VMP™ Team is an effective way to build alliances with other companies especially in the event of a disaster and you need support. Make it part of your business resumption strategy!
They are ideal for syncing your vision to profitable outcomes while “tightening”
your perceptions and performance.
VMP is the best marketing tool and cost-effective move you can bring to
your team.
This project emerges from my core coaching work with the myriad of leaders and
influencers I have had the privilege to serve. No matter what the circumstance,
the industry or market conditions, or “bright, shiny objects” that appear, three constraints are present in each one:
1. Leaders often are disconnected from who is on their teams. Their
communication style may further alienate team members from honestly engaging
and drastically lower team morale. This can be dangerous and reflects on the
team leader.
2. Although there is a desire to transform the team, self-limiting behavior can
sabotage the planning and implementation of it. Instead, bravado masks the gaps
that must be filled for the team to succeed.
3. Short-term thinking and a lack of real strategic focus undermine any hope of
contributing real-time paradigm shifts to transition forward and advance the team.
Consider this image: Someone’s foot is nailed to the floor and the person
continues to circle a center-placed seat with no beginning or end in sight. This is
where so many executives find themselves.
As a VMP Team, you will be free to explore alternatives to what may plague you
now, and project a positive perspective toward the future.
Consider what your VMP™ Virtual Mastermind Project status provides—what
it means to you!
Whether you are a senior executive mulling over pending decisions, a business
owner needing focus, a person transitioning your career, or a recent MBA
graduate, you can benefit from how coaching tamps down anxiety and supports
your fulfillment vision and goals. Coaching provides focus and attention, often
lacking in the work-o-sphere™. You have everything to gain.
Schedule today!
What is so special about being a VMP?This status celebrates your unique
position in your world. As a VMP, you will be more effective in all your relationships
and position your leadership to all who work with you.
Our proprietary VMP platform is divided into two parts: Form to Function and Emotional Intelligence.
Strategic thinking is a habit of thought and can be learned. Often, rigid educational
models and misperceptions lock one’s mind. Unlock the potential innovative and
productive thought to unleash what you need to advance in your career, financial
space, and personal relationships.
For more information and what may be of interest to you, please complete the form below,
and I will personally contact you. mc
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