Tell Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act Now!:
Take immediate action to end pay discrimination against women.
Join Senators Boxer, Gillibrand, and Klobuchar to tell Congress
that equal work deserves equal pay – pass the Paycheck Fairness Act now.
How is it we are still hammering on this topic of pay disparity? Here are thoughts I have about it:
1. Is this because there are not enough women in top tier positions to improve this?
2. How is such a blatant discrimination not viewed as a crime?
3. Here’s the silver lining—Wait for it—More women start entrepreneurial enterprises because of such stupidity.
I know that was a primary motivator for me to start my business coaching practice.
The idea of asking for time off, when to leave my desk and how to think about my work was deplorable to me.
I took the plunge from two major corporations where I received several low-level promotions,
but was told by a senior vice president, “That is the plight of women in corporate America!”
The law is not on women’s sides here. No class action suit can be brought (remember Walmart?) for reasons I do not understand.
Remember the “list” that was He Said/She said?
He is strong and assertive: She’s a x@!*+.
He is decisive: She’s stubborn . . . and on it goes.
If anyone finds this list, please forward it on.
All you constitutional scholars out there, please shed light on this issue.
Consider this a group topic to pursue!
Just keep on going . . .