Experience 30-minute Issue Coaching session
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Sizzling, Optimized Leadership Skills Can Be Learned

Fire hoop jumper

Did you jump through fire with no plan?

How much does it mean to you to provide positive feedback to your team?

How do you deliver criticism or correction information?
Your style can be the difference between progress and defeat for the target of your energy.
Be sure to take the person aside and do not “scold” them in public. If the objective of your
feedback is to improve a situation, then be respectful and provide space for the person to
respond. Listen and let the person speak. You can sort out the excuses from the actual reasons.

Consider how the managers of the space shuttle Challenger felt when their input on the impact
of temperature on the “O” rings was overridden. They live with the guilt of that explosion every
day, because at the time, adhering to a time and budget constraint was more important than
what the engineers were saying.

Here are a few thoughts to consider before criticizing a team mate or presenting a sensitive
report to supervisors:

  • How serious is the actual error?
  • Does the error pose a safety risk?
  • Are you just annoyed?
  • Do you want the person to learn something from the issue?
  • How important is it to punish the person and what does that satisfy?
  • Are you concerned that you look bad as a result of the mistake?
  • How does the mistake reflect on you?

Once you clear the air of your own anger or disappointment, you can select a reasonable
response to the situation.

Enjoy our past posts!
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