Positive Potentials’ EMBA Certification for Local Businesses—EMBA/Entrepreneurial Mastery of Business Assets
. . . Where Business Literacy™ Grows
Launching a new business or reopening an existing business is courageous and promising.
Now, you can use the EMBA Certification to build a strong foundation and confidence before
opening your doors. Often, I hear people joke they wish they had a handbook or manual to figure out what to do. The EMBA Certification Program does just that—stepping stones to follow to remain focussed and on target.
They have a bright idea, but may not be experienced or temperamentally adept at running a business.
EMBA Certification is where you can earn your Certificate of Entrepreneurship in 12 weeks.
The project was born out of frustration, and they were insecure and new to the business sector.
I have deliberately kept the pillars simple—People, Process, Profits, and Performance. They are easy to remember and serve any size business.
Each owner shared with me in a whisper, “I wish all this work came with an operations manual beyond the obvious
things we produce.” Franchisees think they have a structure until they are out on their own.
That’s where EMBA Certification builds confidence and produces results.
I Got It! Then, the EMBA Certification Program was born.
Each step of the certification process solidifies the actions a business owner must enact to have a thriving business.
“Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Move in the direction of your dreams.”
Congratulations on choosing to be the master of your own fate—to be an entrepreneur. Businesses are excited by the new up and coming leadership. Today’s Millennials and Digital Babies™ have the technology skills, yet may need a boost in negotiation or “people” skills.
Each week, I will assist your transformation from a fixed business model to a fluid one
that is customized to your skill set and aspirations. As your passion takes root, you will
experience and understand what Confucius meant when he wrote,
“When you work at something you love, you never work a day in your life.”
The EMBA content draws on the expertise spanning more than two decades. Emotional Intelligence
work is at the heart of the material. Then, the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Principles are foundational building blocks
introduced in order to create accurate and optimum measures of progress and achievement.
To earn your formal certificate, prospective EMBA Candidates must submit the following:
The course is ideal for conserving resources:
For more information, please complete the form below. I will personally contact you to answer your questions. Or, you can reach out to me directly: