This is a question often asked by people who do not have a coaching experience. As we learn easily from examples, my analogy for the relationship between coaching is with sports figures, Olympians, and fitness gurus. Sure, they can train by themselves. The coach is an assurance policy they will produce the best outcome from an objective perspective. Performance progress is about improvement and advancement from the last episode. The coach is the witness and expert to call out what needs improvement and what is excellent. For example, the coach may demonstrate technique, yet may not be scoring a 10 on their own style. They are experienced and studied to know without being the best athlete themselves.
The role of the coach:
- The coach is a witness and sounding board.
- A coach encourages and inspires the pupil to keep moving forward.
- A coach questions and promotes thought into action.
- A coach challenges the pupil beyond self-limiting beliefs.
Years of research and interaction with clients show me the top five issues a coach responds to regarding a client’s performance at work and on a personal level—
- Belief
- Environment
- Fear factor
- Imposter syndrome Smartest person in room
- Prove to oneself they are worthy
- Procrastination
- Fear-based behavior
- Don’t want to make a bad decision
- Self-Victimization
- Steeped in criticism
- FOMO—Fear of Missing Out
- Too much emphasis on what others think about oneself.
- Fear of left behind, abandonment
- Tolerances
- Sap energy
- Distractions
- Temperament
- Persistent
- Optimistic v pessimistic
- Self-definitions of achievement and success
- Imposter syndrome Smartest person in room
These manifest in negative or positive self-talk and body language. They can be culprits for self-sabotage.
The coach holds up a mirror to the client so he/she can see themselves for who they really are in a safe space. No criticism only room for improvement and powerful questions that bring issues to the foreground. Course corrections are made with the full commitment of the client; the client knows that coach has his/her best interest always. The trust must be established. The relationship is sacred and promotes growth, understanding, and fulfillment on one’s own terms.
How does your work environment, even as a solopreneur, create a high-performance impetus for you to thrive?*
Why is this topic so critical?
We put our lives in their hands!
This is how we begin to build an award-winning culture in the workplace and at home. That will be our next entry.
*When you send me an email with a response, you will receive a complimentary 30-minute coaching session for any issue you desire. Eager to serve you to be your best self. Mc