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Business Insights, communication, Performance

How to Boost Executive Development in Your Organization

The eternal optimist!

[sh_dropcap style=”theme” dropshadow=”true” color=”foreground”]O[/sh_dropcap]ften referred to as the Queen of the Silver Lining, I perceive myself as an optimist.

Even COVID had something to offer beyond death and destruction. It revealed the unholy messes we had accumulated in our business systems. Showed us where we got lazy and careless thinking no one would notice. It demonstrated how imbalanced the pay scales are from the C-Suite to delivery people. And wouldn’t you know it was the delivery people, essential workers. hourly employees that kept the engine running, not the CEO’s!

COVID showed us what and who is really important to our society. Everyone has a role to play in keeping the Ship of State afloat.

All bets are off on the way we did business. We had to become clever again and come up with new ways to keep our businesses open. So, this is a perfect time to reassess our definitions of success, leadership, and expression of values.

Team players

Everyone has something to contribute.

A small company must define what it means to be an executive within its context. Here are questions you can begin to ask:

  •  Where does the authority originate?
  • Is this a top-down organization or a matrix relying on all people to respond to issues?
  • What is the scope of the executive’s actions?
  • How does this executive’s position impact the organization?

A simple view

A simple view is to introduce how each tier of team member functions within the organization. This is best accomplished at onboarding new members.

In this way, people can see how they may flourish within the matrix of the company. This is a time to drill down on the components of job descriptions and how they interact with others. This tactic provides more certainty to an otherwise sketchy view of a new hire or someone newly promoted.

The core value with this process is communication. In this way, participants can begin to understand their role within the company and how it impacts the whole picture. This can be a discussion point for the. 30-day review. The manager can assess how the person acclimates to the position and where they may want to advance.

Provide the tools

Applications like Evernote or MS OneNote are excellent ways to coordinate team members as they gather and store information. It is a focal point with easy access.

These simple steps set a positive pace and provide new people with a level of comfort to develop their confidence.

Offer An Executive Coach

This is an excellent time to offer an executive coach to set people on a supportive positive path. The coach is their “Jiminy Cricket” to answer questions they may be shy about asking a manager. All interactions are under confidentiality and provide a sturdy foundation to build trust. When you assign a coach, the subtext to the team member is that you are invested in their success and support their success.

You are assured of a bountiful payoff when you lead this way. -MC

Business Insights, business plan, change, coaching, communication, cooperation, Decision making, fulfillment, Leadership Insights, Performance, Processes, Standards & Practices

Your Business Needs An Annual Check Up Tool!

[sh_dropcap style=”theme” dropshadow=”true” color=”foreground”][/sh_dropcap] favorite song lyric of mine includes these words—“It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish!” These words keep me centered and focused. Now, we can apply this mantra to our business roadmap.

Virtual Mastermind Project

Benefit from a team booster approach to resolve issues who have to resolve.

We have all been exposed and heard to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Policies & Procedures, ISO, and Baldrige Excellence. It does not matter what you call them. What matters is how they are distributed and what assurance you have they are action items.

Consider why it is important to do this?

  • Changing business climate
  • More competitors in the marketplace
  • Catch failing processes and gaps
  • Leadership changes, like succession movement
  • Minimize risks with a solid plan
  • Loss of market share
  • New rules, regulations change quickly
  • Identify where alignment needs adjusting
  • Improve your existing market position
  • Self reflection before customers begin peeling away or want more
  • What is your essential reason? __________________________________________________________________

A mini-version of this is the VMP™ approach. It is an excellent primer to the larger process of strategic planning. Everyone participates. The process reinforces collaboration.

Many companies have annual strategic planning sessions for a three-day off site experience. To make optimized use of this precious time-meaningful and relevant-we must embed the follow-up that must happen to implement the discoveries and decisions that came from the conclave.

Often when a team is so close to the edge, it is difficult for them to see when they step over the side! An objective facilitator is the antidote to keep the event moving and productive.

What does this have to do with processes?

A positive start to your evaluation is to adopt a learner’s mindset. That will require all involved set aside their biases and contribute with fresh eyes and ideas. Begin here:

  1. Set a launch date
  2. Make a big deal about what you’re about to do. Create an identity for participants like T-shirts or caps. People want to belong to the excitement; that their presence makes a difference.
  3. Invite stakeholders from all aspects of the business including outside vendors who may or may not connect directly with your customers.
  4. Be realistic about time frame.
    1. Give the process at least a quarter to take root.
    2. Break the process into segments.
  5. Open the strategic plan:
    1. Assign portions to teams
    2. Have them assess how well each sector ties back to the major plan.
  6. Use the Baldrige Self Assessment as a starting point. There are several reliable assessments. This is the easiest to follow.
    1. ISO is another (more manufacturing oriented) evaluation
    2. https://www.nist.gov/baldrige/self-assessing/improvement-tools
    3. https://www.nist.gov/baldrige/publications/baldrige-excellence-framework

The ultimate benefit is the performance focus and a crystal clear framework.

The assessment provides clarification on business elements that can be overlooked or deliberately ignored until there is a tragic failure. Daily routines and even “best practices” can devolve into a grind. We can lose focus on what and why we are doing what we are doing!

Let me know how it works for you. I’m here to serve.

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Michelle Cubas & Client
Behavior, business coaching, coaching, communication, Corporate, Decision making, entrepreneurs, executive, Leadership Insights, Performance, Shared Leadership, Standards & Practices, Value, Workplace

10-Point System Multi-Dimensional Leadership System™

Positive Potentials’ 10-Point System Multi-Dimensional System™

In our book (see products), Magnetic Leadership, I pour my passion about the learned, values-driven leadership style. My theme centers around The End of Dominance: Enter the Multi-Dimensional Leader.

We have all heard about Servant Leadership and Shared Leadership. These ideas are much harder to implement. A company’s culture must be receptive to such ideas and demonstrate a desire to reap the benefits of such models.

The Multi-Dimensional Leader’s™ (MDL) model

The MDL makes decisions founded on long-range values and reasonable risk rather than reaction and illusion.

  1. Has an innate sense of balance and alignment.
  2. Dares to live daily integrity, even when it is difficult to “do the right thing.”
  3. Possesses uncanny vision and courage to be different or contrarian.
  4. Attracts and fosters self-reliant and self-motivated collaborations, people and resources.
  5. Radiates emotional intelligence and teaches others this acquired skill just by being in her/his presence.
  6. Embraces the value of mentoring and professional coaching
  7. Cultivates entrepreneurial energy within the most rigid organization; breathes the vision to elevate the Purpose, Profits and Productivity for everyone within their sphere of influence.
  8. Possesses presence and security to inspire confidence in others
  9. Fosters Business Literacy™ throughout the company and service providers.
  10. Respects and sponsors lifelong learning and models it.

When supporting our clients, we craft the vision in several ways:

•   Identify qualities like those listed above.

•   Determine Fish, flesh or fowl—What do you stand for?

•   Offer strategic transitions, adaptation, and modification for the existing company culture to become the leader’s vision.

•   Define, develop the Entrepreneur’s Mindset™*  and apply Entrepreneurial Energy to each level of the company to stimulate ownership.

•   Strategize and encourage visionary and values-driven leadership in others- productive associates and beneficial alliances who share the values.

The outcome of using Positive Potentials’ model is long-term results

•   Generates increased revenue streams for maximum profitability and resilience in volatile markets.

•   Uses Business Literacy™  and LaserLearning™ Principles to shorten the company’s learning curve (reduced bureaucracy, meritocracy rewards, open architecture, and boosted prized innovation).

•   Manifests self-referred associates bringing freshness to their positions for greater accuracy and energy.

•   Effortless flow rather PUSH/PULL. Stimulates flow performance (based on Mihaly Csiksentmihaly work with optimal experience.)

•   Demonstrates value of streamlined and integrated business operations and processes focused on positive outcomes and results.

•   Inspires all associated with the company and its providers to meaningful work and output, referrals, increased sales, and branding.



*listen to our podcasts in the Cloud downloads portfolio.

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