Experience 30-minute Issue Coaching session


Michelle Cubas & Client
Behavior, business coaching, coaching, communication, Corporate, Decision making, entrepreneurs, executive, Leadership Insights, Performance, Shared Leadership, Standards & Practices, Value, Workplace

10-Point System Multi-Dimensional Leadership System™

Positive Potentials’ 10-Point System Multi-Dimensional System™

In our book (see products), Magnetic Leadership, I pour my passion about the learned, values-driven leadership style. My theme centers around The End of Dominance: Enter the Multi-Dimensional Leader.

We have all heard about Servant Leadership and Shared Leadership. These ideas are much harder to implement. A company’s culture must be receptive to such ideas and demonstrate a desire to reap the benefits of such models.

The Multi-Dimensional Leader’s™ (MDL) model

The MDL makes decisions founded on long-range values and reasonable risk rather than reaction and illusion.

  1. Has an innate sense of balance and alignment.
  2. Dares to live daily integrity, even when it is difficult to “do the right thing.”
  3. Possesses uncanny vision and courage to be different or contrarian.
  4. Attracts and fosters self-reliant and self-motivated collaborations, people and resources.
  5. Radiates emotional intelligence and teaches others this acquired skill just by being in her/his presence.
  6. Embraces the value of mentoring and professional coaching
  7. Cultivates entrepreneurial energy within the most rigid organization; breathes the vision to elevate the Purpose, Profits and Productivity for everyone within their sphere of influence.
  8. Possesses presence and security to inspire confidence in others
  9. Fosters Business Literacy™ throughout the company and service providers.
  10. Respects and sponsors lifelong learning and models it.

When supporting our clients, we craft the vision in several ways:

•   Identify qualities like those listed above.

•   Determine Fish, flesh or fowl—What do you stand for?

•   Offer strategic transitions, adaptation, and modification for the existing company culture to become the leader’s vision.

•   Define, develop the Entrepreneur’s Mindset™*  and apply Entrepreneurial Energy to each level of the company to stimulate ownership.

•   Strategize and encourage visionary and values-driven leadership in others- productive associates and beneficial alliances who share the values.

The outcome of using Positive Potentials’ model is long-term results

•   Generates increased revenue streams for maximum profitability and resilience in volatile markets.

•   Uses Business Literacy™  and LaserLearning™ Principles to shorten the company’s learning curve (reduced bureaucracy, meritocracy rewards, open architecture, and boosted prized innovation).

•   Manifests self-referred associates bringing freshness to their positions for greater accuracy and energy.

•   Effortless flow rather PUSH/PULL. Stimulates flow performance (based on Mihaly Csiksentmihaly work with optimal experience.)

•   Demonstrates value of streamlined and integrated business operations and processes focused on positive outcomes and results.

•   Inspires all associated with the company and its providers to meaningful work and output, referrals, increased sales, and branding.



*listen to our podcasts in the Cloud downloads portfolio.

business coaching, Business Insights, change, coaching, communication, Decision making, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, entrepreneurs, executive, fulfillment, Networking, Performance, Service, Shared Leadership, Social Networking, Training & Staff Development

What is Your Catalyst for Change?

Enjoy this excerpt from Business to the Third Power.

What is Your Catalyst for Change?

Consider different outcomes in your decisions.

When working toward a decision, the obvious choice is not always the best outcome.

Being a parent, leader, or business owner can be like “swatting flies!” Can you hear the buzzing now?

Swatting flies is similar to the overload thinking, chattery activity, that swirls in our expanding heads. This swirling creates the buzzing when we haven’t navigated a way to extract or define the information to the outside of our heads!

Part of this “swatting-flies” phenomenon is due to the fact that our biology has not kept pace with our technology™. Our biology is still 10,000 years old! We’re overwhelmed and overstimulated by our surroundings and technology.

What does this have to do with a catalyst for change?

I suggest there is another way to live and manage change; you always suspected there might be. Change is disruptive especially when unexpected. We can prepare for change so the impact can be used to our advantage.

Consider our daily exposures:

  • Too much external stimuli. Constant bombardment of sound pollution, elected or otherwise.
  • Incapacity to process and assimilate information, creates Info Anxiety ™.
  • Not enough rest time (not sleep).
  • Lack of focus due to distractions; fueled by shoulds, have to’s and judgment.
  • Active pursuit of other’s ideas, not our own creating Seepage™* and energy drain.
  • Exposure to deliberate misinformation to cloud personal judgment (urban legends), jokes on email, plausible deniability leaks, etc.)

To begin, I recommend that you create an antidote solution for each bullet item above. Then, continue with your personal items and write the antidotes for them.

What does this have to do with a catalyst for change?

I suggest there is another way to live; you always suspected there might be. Follow me…for a sneak peek into alternatives to contempo-babble, the buzz of contemporary living.

See our companion Field Guide Book Thriving in the Midst of Change under products. It can be your personal advisory board to support your decisions and next moves. Use our book to follow me and the experts at your fingertips.


I call if a Field Guide Book, much like the military generals use in their operations—you cannot know or remember everything!

Behavior, career, change, communication, executive, fulfillment, planning, Value, Visionary, Wisdom, Workplace

Will Female Majority In the Workplace Force Changes?

The title of this article, , prompted this post. I think it is deceiving. More accurately, it may mark the end of male domination in the workplace and be the final step toward pay parity.
I am not a “basher” on any topic, especially the “battle of the sexes.” What I took from this commentary was the opportunity to progress. Jeannie (Genie) is not going back into the bottle
Here are ways I see from my experience and practice that can influence the work arena:
  • Just like women perceive colors differently, they can lead differently, too. Feedback and active listening are key success factors and leave a “quarterback” mentality in the dust. Leading a team rather than being the lone star is highly effective.
  • Women work differently than men. The female perspective is different. More cooperation and less competition is welcome in this strange economy.
  • We may see a return to a committed work ethic because historically women would do tasks and take on projects that men would not touch. Generational attitudes affect this, too.
  • The rigid vertical organizational “chart” will change as women gain in leadership positions. We will likely see more circular and matrix linked organizations working together. This thinking began in the late 1980’s under the “innovation umbrella” a la and quality circles. Women enjoy collaboration so we may see a surge in this activity.
  • Recruiting attitudes and energy will change. Women now have a stronger voice and will ask for conditions that serve them beyond on-site nurseries.
  • We are moving into an age of diplomacy like never before. Remember, it was attention and support to the League of Nations at a time the U.S. was turning toward isolationism. Her efforts helped move the League of Nations into the United Nations.
  • As the world population is more than 50% female, we are finally employing the full force of half our resources into play. Imagine splitting yourself in half and attempting to be fully functional.
What are your current and past experiences?
Do you see any changes in your own lives? 

Please comment. -MC

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