Protecting Consumers at the Pump: The Oil and Gas Price Fraud Working Group | The White House
While fuming and being frustrated, I’m not feeling protection at the pump of anywhere else right now. I don’t understand how oil companies make windfall profits and the market reacts otherwise. What will stabilize it?
I’m all for free markets, but sometimes conditions must be contained. There is no standard for behavior here. Is the dingy cloud of apathy at the root of the issue? How can we shake politicians to using their reasoning rather than dogma? Is writing to our Congress Member an act of futility? Do the calls matter?
A glimmer of hope is how Wisconsin put “recall” back on the map like early Arizona history days. Yes, Arizona was a progressive state until the 1970’s. Look how far back we’ve slipped.
I want to know how Eric Holder can investigate the investors and speculators who are driving the fuels market? It is clear “Wall Street” has no conscience and is betting on the “No Come” line (craps game lingo), against itself, by inflating gasoline futures.
Can someone please help me understand this better?
Please leave your comments. -MC