Experience 30-minute Issue Coaching session


Behavior, change, coaching, community, Decision making, fulfillment, Literacy, Risk

In the Interest of Civility . . . Try this

What causes tunnel vision?

We encourage people, especially students, to focus on what is important to them, yet we must keep an open mind.

As an instructor of all ages–children and adults–I wonder what causes people to continue in a belief even when evidence appears to refute their point of view.

Here is my opinion of what happens from my observations:

·      No one likes to be corrected or made to be wrong. It puts one on the defensive and creates discomfort, especially if the correction is done in a group.

·      Holding to an idea is like a security blanket; it’s familiar. The idea holds comfort for us. In order to shift an opinion, one has to feel safe. The internal dialogue may go like this, “If I was wrong about that, what else could I be wrong about?” It creates insecurity.

·      A change could create internal conflict, and the person thinks, “I avoid conflict at all costs!” Typically risk averse of non-confrontational styles.

·      One can feel manipulated if s/he changes one’s mind.

·      People who want to control everything may have difficulty with an open mind. Their thoughts my fly away.

·      Wishful or magical thinking enters the idea. Much like children who discover who Santa Claus really is, the wishful thinking aspect can continue the illusion.

·      One’s identity is tied to the belief. An idea or point of view may become vulnerable if information sheds new light on it.

Why is this discussion important?

To make mistakes is essential to learning. However, our American culture doesn’t allow much room for that—we’re off seeking the “right” answer. That’s why our educational system needs refurbishing. More question asking and less answer teaching to the test will open students’ minds.

I recommend the following: rather than combat these styles of thinking, it may be helpful to shift our perception and acknowledge that no one needs to be right; we may just need to be different. This line of thinking only works when danger or threats are removed from the situation. Unfortunately, an immediate turn to violence is all some people have been raised to know. Here is where teaching critical thinking in school is important. Also, real debate is essential to understand evidence and facts.

Encourage students to participate in debates based on documentable research from multiple sources. Encourage discussions at the dinner table or among friends even if you’re uncomfortable. We can all continue to learn. Be sure to lay out ground rules before you begin; for example, no name-calling or swearing.

Find out how they reached their conclusion. You will learn a lot about how the speaker thinks in this process, and that will improve overall communication. We could all benefit from better listeners.

Delivery of the information is also important. We must remove judgment from the topic and come to a logical conclusion based on the research posed. This is difficult and is a learned behavior. Be patient. Good luck, and let’s all communicate to better understand each other. MC


Business Insights, business plan, change, coaching, communication, cooperation, Decision making, fulfillment, Leadership Insights, Performance, Processes, Standards & Practices

Your Business Needs An Annual Check Up Tool!

[sh_dropcap style=”theme” dropshadow=”true” color=”foreground”][/sh_dropcap] favorite song lyric of mine includes these words—“It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish!” These words keep me centered and focused. Now, we can apply this mantra to our business roadmap.

Virtual Mastermind Project

Benefit from a team booster approach to resolve issues who have to resolve.

We have all been exposed and heard to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Policies & Procedures, ISO, and Baldrige Excellence. It does not matter what you call them. What matters is how they are distributed and what assurance you have they are action items.

Consider why it is important to do this?

  • Changing business climate
  • More competitors in the marketplace
  • Catch failing processes and gaps
  • Leadership changes, like succession movement
  • Minimize risks with a solid plan
  • Loss of market share
  • New rules, regulations change quickly
  • Identify where alignment needs adjusting
  • Improve your existing market position
  • Self reflection before customers begin peeling away or want more
  • What is your essential reason? __________________________________________________________________

A mini-version of this is the VMP™ approach. It is an excellent primer to the larger process of strategic planning. Everyone participates. The process reinforces collaboration.

Many companies have annual strategic planning sessions for a three-day off site experience. To make optimized use of this precious time-meaningful and relevant-we must embed the follow-up that must happen to implement the discoveries and decisions that came from the conclave.

Often when a team is so close to the edge, it is difficult for them to see when they step over the side! An objective facilitator is the antidote to keep the event moving and productive.

What does this have to do with processes?

A positive start to your evaluation is to adopt a learner’s mindset. That will require all involved set aside their biases and contribute with fresh eyes and ideas. Begin here:

  1. Set a launch date
  2. Make a big deal about what you’re about to do. Create an identity for participants like T-shirts or caps. People want to belong to the excitement; that their presence makes a difference.
  3. Invite stakeholders from all aspects of the business including outside vendors who may or may not connect directly with your customers.
  4. Be realistic about time frame.
    1. Give the process at least a quarter to take root.
    2. Break the process into segments.
  5. Open the strategic plan:
    1. Assign portions to teams
    2. Have them assess how well each sector ties back to the major plan.
  6. Use the Baldrige Self Assessment as a starting point. There are several reliable assessments. This is the easiest to follow.
    1. ISO is another (more manufacturing oriented) evaluation
    2. https://www.nist.gov/baldrige/self-assessing/improvement-tools
    3. https://www.nist.gov/baldrige/publications/baldrige-excellence-framework

The ultimate benefit is the performance focus and a crystal clear framework.

The assessment provides clarification on business elements that can be overlooked or deliberately ignored until there is a tragic failure. Daily routines and even “best practices” can devolve into a grind. We can lose focus on what and why we are doing what we are doing!

Let me know how it works for you. I’m here to serve.

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business coaching, Business Insights, change, coaching, communication, Decision making, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, entrepreneurs, executive, fulfillment, Networking, Performance, Service, Shared Leadership, Social Networking, Training & Staff Development

What is Your Catalyst for Change?

Enjoy this excerpt from Business to the Third Power.

What is Your Catalyst for Change?

Consider different outcomes in your decisions.

When working toward a decision, the obvious choice is not always the best outcome.

Being a parent, leader, or business owner can be like “swatting flies!” Can you hear the buzzing now?

Swatting flies is similar to the overload thinking, chattery activity, that swirls in our expanding heads. This swirling creates the buzzing when we haven’t navigated a way to extract or define the information to the outside of our heads!

Part of this “swatting-flies” phenomenon is due to the fact that our biology has not kept pace with our technology™. Our biology is still 10,000 years old! We’re overwhelmed and overstimulated by our surroundings and technology.

What does this have to do with a catalyst for change?

I suggest there is another way to live and manage change; you always suspected there might be. Change is disruptive especially when unexpected. We can prepare for change so the impact can be used to our advantage.

Consider our daily exposures:

  • Too much external stimuli. Constant bombardment of sound pollution, elected or otherwise.
  • Incapacity to process and assimilate information, creates Info Anxiety ™.
  • Not enough rest time (not sleep).
  • Lack of focus due to distractions; fueled by shoulds, have to’s and judgment.
  • Active pursuit of other’s ideas, not our own creating Seepage™* and energy drain.
  • Exposure to deliberate misinformation to cloud personal judgment (urban legends), jokes on email, plausible deniability leaks, etc.)

To begin, I recommend that you create an antidote solution for each bullet item above. Then, continue with your personal items and write the antidotes for them.

What does this have to do with a catalyst for change?

I suggest there is another way to live; you always suspected there might be. Follow me…for a sneak peek into alternatives to contempo-babble, the buzz of contemporary living.

See our companion Field Guide Book Thriving in the Midst of Change under products. It can be your personal advisory board to support your decisions and next moves. Use our book to follow me and the experts at your fingertips.


I call if a Field Guide Book, much like the military generals use in their operations—you cannot know or remember everything!

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