Job hunting without a criteria is madness.
Pocket Coach suggests some thoughts to minimize frustration:
Create a table in Word.
List your criteria that are deal breakers
List questions you may have regardless of industry.
What do you need to know about them?
Several quick questions:
• How do you determine “growth oriented companies”? They’re the likely ones to hire.
• Do you pre-select companies then go “fishing” on the social media sites? Caution here. Don’t publish anything that can come back to haunt you. Use strategic introductions to get noticed.
• What sources do you use for the base for your research? Business Journal, contacts, family?
• You’re doing well to contact people directly to introduce yourself.
• Do they invite you to call? What’s your sense of engagement—arms length?
• What curiosity factors have you set up about yourself? Any intrigue or just like the “others?” Consider how you self-describe. Use active and vibrant language.
Next time we’ll discuss what to look for on websites.
Happy hunting!