And you thought you weren’t creative.
Solving problems and creating outcomes are creative acts. So, let’s use that energy to review and reflect on what’s possible.
There is something therapeutic about closing a year. Although some companies have fiscal calendars ending in months other than December, turning the page into the new year offers promise. It is a clean slate where we can apply the learnings from the current experience—exactly what I’m asking you to do.
Einstein said, we cannot solve a problem in the same environment in which it was created. So, we must step back, take a breath, and be honest in our assessment. That process takes courage . . . and time! Aha, there is the bump. We are moving so fast and do not seem to catch up, so how are we now supposed to focus on the NEW year?
- I recommend a three-day hiatus from whatever you are doing, personally and professionally, and chart your course: (record or write it in a journal) Bullet points serve well to capture “thought popping.”
- It can be a renewed vision statement for what you want your life to look like in 2015.
- Have a personal accountability tool (check in with coach, chart a schedule. or whatever works best for your style to stay on track.)
- Write a philosophy statement for the year and then measure your actions, behavior and abilities to it. If they don’t “square” adjust them.
- Create a theme for the year and apply it to monthly actions.
Happy Holidays! MC